The most prominent funny situations in new appointments for outsourcing companies

Ta3heed newsletter monitored the experiences of a number of human resources department managers within outsourcing services companies in Egypt and the funny situations they encounter when conducting interviews with new graduates or recruiting human cadres for their work team.
Wessam Foaad, Human Resources Manager at ison xperience Outsourcing Services in Egypt, said that she was surprised when announcing earlier the appointment of new employees to serve a client in the State of Kuwait that all applicants for the required position had finished preparing their travel papers and passports.
Wesam explained that she started her career in human resources management in the field of appointments and recruitment for young people and graduates for customer service jobs.
when this profession appeared in Egypt 25 years ago, it was known that the employee was merely a receiver for delivery calls until some telecommunications companies began entering the Egyptian market, such as Vodafone and Mobinil (currently Orange), and the prevailing mental image of the call center employee job changed.
She added that companies have started to spread service centers internally, and with the development of the outsourcing industry, they have resorted to external entities to respond to customer inquiries.
Outsourcing service providers have started to spread awareness among university students in the last 10 years, and the scope of appointment has also come to include students in addition to graduates, with emphasis on this job being a permanent career path.
She continued: “Attention has been drawn to Egypt over the past 5 years as a center for providing multilingual services, and there is no accent associated with a specific foreign language, unlike the residents of East Asian countries such as the Philippines and India, coinciding with the spread of faculties of languages, languages, translation and private universities.
She pointed out that the Corona period contributed to the revival of the outsourcing industry, especially since most of the language speakers who lost their jobs due to the pandemic joined to work with companies specializing in outsourcing services.”
Rana Aslan, HR Manager at IGT SOLUTIONS, an outsourcing company, explained that one of the funny situations that prevail in the industry when hiring new employees is that HR representatives are surprised that the applicants for the job do not speak the required language and justify this by saying that they thought it was another language after the interviews and the process of sorting and filtering their applications are over.
She commented, saying: It is also strange that some employees believe that they get free travel tickets and organize tourist trips without any compensation, especially since one of the company’s areas of work is also customer service in the travel and tourism sector.