
Nermine El Nem: Elharefa provides jobs for freelancers and remote workers in 12 fields, most notably customer service

This week’s guest of Ta3heed newsletter is Nermine El Nemr, founder and CEO of Elharefa platform for freelance and remote work, which offers jobs in more than 12 diverse fields.

El Nemr said that the average salaries of call center employees who speak Arabic and English currently range between 6 and 10 thousand pounds, while it rises to 18 or 20 thousand for speakers of other foreign languages, stressing that Egyptian companies working in the call center industry seek the help of competencies from the Philippines, India and Pakistan.

She explained that Elharefa aims to expand in the Arabian Gulf region, especially the Saudi and UAE, during the next stage

What is the Elharefa platform? When did you start working?

Elharefa is the first Egyptian digital platform for freelance work and also online (remotely).
It was launched in February 2018 as an Egyptian company and includes more than 50,000 talents, freelancers, female entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs from various fields of the technology sector, such as information security, graphic design, customer services, and virtual assistance.

The platform’s vision is to change the business environment in the Middle East and North Africa region and reduce the time and burdens on company owners in obtaining the appropriate specialists for their companies easily and quickly.

What types of jobs does the Elharefa platform offer to job seekers?

There are more than 12 fields on the platform, including: website and application programming, e-marketing, translation, marketing and creative content writing, social media site management, and search engine optimization.

In addition to managing advertising campaigns, marketing, legal and financial consultations, video editing, website designs, social media, voiceover and human resources.

What are the functions of outsourcing services available on the Elharefa platform at the present time?

Elharefa platform includes functions related to customer service, data entry, and technical support services.

What are the average salaries that a call center employee receives through the platform?

The average salaries for call center employees on the platform who speak Arabic and English range between 6 and 10 thousand pounds, while it rises to 18 or 20 thousand for speakers of other foreign languages.

Does the Elharefa platform cooperate with communications agencies in refining the skills of job seekers?

Elharefa has a partnership with the National Telecommunications Institute (NTI) that was signed last year with the Ministry of Communications as part of the “Egypt’s Digital Cubs” initiative, with the aim of training young graduates and honing their skills for a period of 4 months.

The platform is also currently discussing with the institute the launch of other programs related to self-employment and distance training, which are under study.

How does the Elharefa platform help applicants improve and develop their job skills?

Elharefa platform provides the community of freelancers, female entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs looking for jobs with specialized programs and training courses, and also enters into strategic partnerships in order to make materials and workshops available to them.

Elharefa negotiating a new financing round? How will it be employed?

Of course, especially since it is a startup company seeking to attract new investments to continue its future expansion plans, enhance the volume of its business, and attract new clients. The platform currently includes competencies and clients from 7 Arab countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, and Qatar.

What is the strategic plan for the Elharefa platform during the next year?

Elharefa is considering expanding into the markets of the Arabian Gulf region during the next stage, especially Saudi Arabia and UAE, especially since the platform has clients in both countries.

Are there specific requirements that must be met by those registered on the Elharefa platform?

The job seeker registers his personal data on the website and verifies it and evaluates the skills available to him.

What type of paid services does the platform provide to support business owners?

There are three types of paid services:

1- Providing a dedicated account manager:

Elharefa platform provides business owners with a specialized account manager to help them write the job description, post the job, search for the client, and complete the hiring process.

2 – Preparing a professional job description & budgeting:

In order for company owners to find the perfect job, they need to start by preparing a good job description for the desired job and all its requirements, skills and experience required, as well as determining the appropriate budget for that job in proportion to the average prices of professionals, and you will find all of this on the Elharefa platform through this service.

3 – Writing contracts and preparing tax invoices – Contracting & Invoicing:

Through this service,Elharefa platform helps company owners in writing and specifying the terms of the contract to guarantee the rights of the employer and the freelancer or remote employee. Also, with the help of Elharefa platform’s consultant, it provides the service of extracting the tax record or invoice in Egypt and preparing and submitting tax invoices to company owners.


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