
How can we measure the efficiency of call centers?

Analyzing the key performance indicators (KPI’s) of call centers is important when evaluating their efficiency and effectiveness, but there are a set of key criteria for evaluating the degree of excellence of a call center or not.

We monitor the most prominent indicators for measuring the performance of call center efficiency:

1- Average customer waiting time during a call:

A call center service company must calculate the waiting time for customers to answer their calls by dividing the time callers spend in the waiting list by the total number of calls answered by customer service employees.

2 – Percentage of blocked calls:

This is one KPI that should never be ignored, as one blocked call can actually be a missed opportunity to connect with a potential customer.

The reasons for blocked calls and customers hearing a “busy” tone are usually due to the lack of sufficient customer service staff or full call waiting lists.

3 – Service quality level

Service Level is basically the percentage of calls answered within a specified number of seconds and is displayed in real-time to managers, as well as agents in the contact center software metrics dashboard. This helps in making data-driven decisions that will influence the KPI to stay within the acceptable range.

4- Speed ​​of response to customer calls

This indicator also includes measuring the time a caller must spend on hold but may not include the time taken to navigate through an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.

Managers rely on this indicator when they analyze the efficiency of their team and try to evaluate the level of accessibility to their callers.

5 – Average time to handle customer issues

This indicator measures the time elapsed from when a customer service representative answers a user’s call until it is completed.

It is also one of the most important key performance indicators that should be analyzed because it is directly related to customer satisfaction levels, especially since if the inquiry or problem is resolved quickly and successfully, this means that the customer is happy and likely to recommend the service.

6- Solve customer problems from the first call

Resolving any issues on the first call is essential as this can negatively impact customer satisfaction.

7 – Customer service employee absenteeism rate

One thing that has a major impact on the operation of a call center is the number of days lost each year due to customer service staff absences as this can have a negative impact on hiring rates, scheduling and the bottom line of the call center.

8 – Occupancy rate

This refers to the time agents spend on live calls, in addition to performing other call-related tasks. While most call center managers strive to improve occupancy rates, they also need to be aware of the workload placed on agents.

9 – Customer Service Employee Turnover Rate

It is necessary to track the turnover rate of agents, especially since a high rate may negatively affect the morale of the work team and the call center’s schedule.


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